4 Questions to Determine Where to Keep Your Valuables
You’ve worked hard to acquire the things you possess. That unique piece of art, the exquisite hand-crafted timepiece or the one-of-a-kind family heirloom.
When it comes to protecting the things that matter most, the last thing you need to hear – should your valuable items be lost, stolen or damaged – is that they’re not insured for their true value. Not all insurance products are equal. You can be assured that Chubb covers your valuable articles the way no other insurer can match.
While typical homeowner’s policies are designed to cover your home and what’s inside, there is sometimes limited coverage for valuable items – such as jewellery, watches, fine art, wine and spirits, bicycles, and antiques – that may get lost, stolen, or damaged.
Chubb’s flagship prestige home and valuables offering for families and individuals with significant assets to insure and who appreciate a premium level of cover and service.
Valuable Articles
Masterpiece® provides comprehensive coverage for valuable articles, so you can protect the items that are special to you.
What is covered?
Key Benefits
If you don’t want itemised cover, we can tailor a programme that covers every item under one blanket limit with a specified limit per item. So if you have a loss, your valuable item(s) will be replaced or repaired up to the insured limit.
If a valuable with itemised cover is damaged and suffers a loss in market value as a result, Chubb will pay for the reduction in market value up to the insured amount.
Often valuable items form a part of a pair or set. If one piece of an itemised pair or set is lost or damaged, Chubb will cover the replacement cost of the entire set. All we need is the remaining piece(s).
In the unfortunate event that a valuable item is irreparably damaged or lost, you can choose to take cash rather than replacing it if it suits you better.
Your valuables are automatically covered wherever you take them in the world.
Chubb's valuable articles coverage is included in our Masterpiece policy and is designed for individuals who have invested time and resources into curating their unique collections. The insurance is particularly beneficial for those who have:
Whether you are a seasoned collector with a large, diverse collection or a hobbyist with a smaller but valued set of items, we understand the passion, time, and dedication you've put into your collection. We are committed to helping safeguard the items you cherish most.
4 Questions to Determine Where to Keep Your Valuables
Why You Need a Valuation for Your Collectibles — and How to Get One
Insuring your wine collection with Masterpiece
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