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Chubb Life New Zealand

Michael Bartram

Chief Actuary

Michael leads Chubb Life’s team of actuaries, whose role it is to estimate and help manage future risk when formulating insurance policies.

Michael has been in the insurance industry the majority of his working life and has been with the company since 2011. He’s a Fellow of both the Institute of Actuaries of Australia and the New Zealand Society of Actuaries.

Michael values being able to take a long-term view when making decisions across many aspects of the business.

Originally from Canterbury but now Auckland based, outside of work he likes to get outdoors and exercise as well as winding down with a good book.

Your insurance is underwritten by Chubb Life Insurance New Zealand Limited (Chubb Life). Chubb Life has an A (Excellent) financial strength rating given by A.M. Best Company Inc. A summary of the rating scale is: A++, A+ Superior | A, A- Excellent | B++, B+ Good | B, B- Fair | C++, C+ Marginal | C, C- Weak | D Poor | E Under Regulatory Supervision | F In Liquidation | S Suspended. For the full rating scale and more rating information visit