How to avoid accidents on your vacation

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How to avoid accidents on your vacation

Published Jan 2019
guy travelling

Most medical expenses are incurred as a result of accidents or falls. Here is a list of some of the deadliest accidents that can happen during travel, and useful tips on how you can reduce such risks:

  • Extreme adventures
    As you travel around the world, you will have a never-ending list of extreme adventures to try. However, the excitement of new experiences can lead to overlooking normal safety precautions. Even the most experienced travelers can fall prey to accidents due to various reasons such as negligence, alcohol, or even drugs.

    Aside from ensuring that you are physically and mentally ready for the challenges, it also wouldn’t hurt to do a little research on how to prepare for these extreme adventures. Your checks should include the types of safety equipment you should be wearing, the provider’s safety record and quality of equipment, none of which should be taken for granted. You might also want to check if your travel insurance covers extreme adventures before signing up.
  • Scuba diving
    Scuba diving can be very dangerous, but you can lower the risks by properly conditioning and preparing for the adventure. Studies show that the most significant cause of death during diving is heart disease. Talk to your physician and ask for a medical examination (if necessary) to ensure that you are fit to engage in this activity before signing up.
  • Mountaineering
    Mountaineering has its own share of danger for travelers. The changing weather, unpredictable terrain, and thin air are just some of the reasons why you are advised to take necessary precautions before climbing a mountain. Aside from these, accidents such as being pushed over by a passing mule or a yak or falling into crevasses may also happen. To avoid these mishaps, always listen to your body and follow your guides’ instructions. Gear up and be attentive by following sensible safety precautions. Do not succumb to peer pressure and continue the climb when your body is already under extreme strain.
  • Swimming
    The risk of drowning is much higher in a swimming pool than in open water. Some of the main factors that can increase the risk of drowning include lack of close supervision of children and weak swimming skills - including as a result of alcohol consumption. Another tip is to always follow the rules and regulations in the holiday destination. Keep in mind that lifeguards may not be able to prevent accidents. 
  • Driving
    This is relevant not just for drivers but also for pedestrians and cyclists. Checking left and right before crossing can be a simple life-saving step. Road accidents occur more frequently in developing countries since vehicles in these countries may not have seatbelts or are more likely to be in suboptimal condition. Wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of a fatal injury by up to 50% for front seat occupants and 75% for those in the rear.

    For drivers, in addition to taking these steps for a safe self-drive holiday, be careful when driving in crowded areas and be sure to take breaks when driving long distances. If you have to drive straight from the airport after landing in a foreign destination, be sure to take regular breaks and to stop if you feel tired.

For a peace of mind, we recommend getting extensive travel insurance coverage for accidental injuries. Click here for more details or get an instant quote online from Chubb Travel Insurance now!

@2022 Chubb. The contents of this document are for informative purposes only and do not constitute advice. Please review the full terms, conditions and exclusions of our policies to consider whether they are right for you. Coverage may be underwritten by one or more Chubb companies or our network partners. Not all coverages and services are available in all countries and territories. Chubb® and its respective logos, and Chubb. Insured.SM are protected trademarks of Chubb.

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