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Chubb Life in Thailand remains available to provide the same level of service you have come to expect

During these unsettling times, we want to reinforce our commitment to working with you, so you can continue to meet your clients’ needs. Chubb Life in Thailand is well positioned to continue delivering services and products no matter where you may be working — in the office or remotely, as our underwriters, claims and service teams will be doing the same and ensuring lines of communication remain open.

We have implemented remote working for the majority our employees.  All staff have the tools needed to work remotely.  Face-to-face meetings have been replaced with video conferencing or telephone calls. We have arranged three alternative sites to transfer critical functions should our head office be unavailable for any reason.

We continue to serve new and existing customers.

Our claims personnel are active and continue to receive notices via the relevant claims reporting provisions in their policies.  We are closely tracking our service levels to ensure we meet our customer’s needs.

We are closely monitoring the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus and continually reviewing guidance issued by government health authorities, including the Thai Department of Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and other local health authorities. We seek to minimize any disruption to our customers, agents and business partners while ensuring the safety of our employees.

We are monitoring new developments so that we can quickly adapt and continue to provide the best possible service experience. As always, thank you for the trust you place in Chubb Life Thailand.

Should you need more information, please contact us through these channels