Be worry free about burden of medical expenses plus indemnity payment in the event of accident
PA Perfect Plus personal accident insurance provides comprehensive accident coverage for death, dismemberment, and total permanent disability. It covers medical expenses, plus indemnity payment while being hospitalized from accidents. Minimize your worry in the unexpected event that can happen at any time.
*When renewing the policy, the company will add a 5% increase of the initial sum assured for death, dismemberment, and total permanent disability coverages, for up to 5 times and limited to a maximum of 25% of the initial sum assured or no more than 500,000 Baht.
Policy applicants should study, read, and comprehend about coverage details and conditions before deciding to purchase. Please find more information from policy contract. In addition, company underwriting guideline will be applied.
Contact us to find out how we can help you achieve your insurance needs