Smart Savings 12/4 short term savings plan

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Save money with a guaranteed return throughout the contract term.

"Smart Savings 15/8", an endowment insurance, that tailored for individuals aspiring towards financial independence. Enjoying a guaranteed cash back every year, with a maximum benefit of up to 962%* throughout the policy contract, with only an 8-year premium payment period and 15 years of coverage. Moreover, the paid premiums are eligible for a tax deduction.

Highlighted Benefits

  • Only 8 years of premium payment for 15 years of life coverage
  • Receive an 8% annual cashback from the end of the first policy year until the 14th year, offered 14 consecutive years.
  • Maturity benefit of 850% will be paid at the end of the 15th policy year.
  • Total maximum guaranteed return is up to 962%* of the sum assured
  • Increasing life coverage up to 800%* from 8th - 15th policy year.
  • Simple application process without the need for an examination or answering health-related queries.
  • Insurance premiums paid are eligible for a tax deduction of up to 100,000 baht from personal income tax, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Revenue Department. (Read more)
  • A discount is available on insurance premiums for insured amounts of 300,000 baht or higher.

% shown above is percentage of initial sum assured.
*or the policy terms or 101% repayment conditions stipulate that the deduction will be based on the higher amount between the policy surrender value and the paid total premiums

Life Coverage Benefit

In case of the policyholder's demise within the first to seventh policy years, the company will offer payouts varying from 100%* to 700%* of the assured, which will be increasing by 100% each year. For example, if the insured passes away in the third policy year, the company will provide 300%* of the insured amount. If the insured passes away between the eighth and fifteenth policy years, the company will pay 800%* of the insured sum.

Benefit and Coverage Diagram

Benefit of Smart Savings 15/8 savings insurance plan diagram


Preliminary Underwriting Guideline

  • Entry age: 31 days until 70 years old
  • Minimum sum assured: TH 30,000 per policy.
  • Unable to attach with other riders. 

Exclusions of insurance coverage

  1. Non-disclosure or misrepresentation of any facts
  2. Commit suicide within 1 year or intentionally being murdered by the beneficiary

Potential buyers should carefully review the specifics, coverage, and terms before making any insurance purchases. It's essential to note that the insurance will align with the company's conditions and regulations.

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