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Life & Living Insurance

Critical Illness Cover

Sometimes referred to as Trauma Cover, Critical Illness Cover pays you a lump sum of up to $1 million if you suffer from a defined illness or condition we cover such as cancer, a heart attack or stroke for the first time.

With Critical Illness Cover you can remove the financial stress and focus on what’s most important - your recovery. 

Why do you need Critical Illness Cover? Play icon

Why do you need Critical Illness Cover?

A serious illness or condition can have significant impact on your and your loved ones, however Critical Illness Cover can help ease the burden. 

With this cover in place, you’ll receive a lump sum payment if you suffer from one of the 47 conditions we cover, and it’s your choice how you use the money. 

Some examples of how this money can help are:

  • subsidise a lost income
  • cover day-to-day expenses (eg power, phone, food, petrol)
  • help cover debts (e.g. mortgage, credit cards)
  • assist with medical costs associated with recovery
  • seeking alternative treatments
  • paying for home alterations, rehabilitation, and home help.

Watch our short video to see how Critical Illness Cover can help reduce the financial impact and allow you to focus on what’s most important – your recovery. 

Understanding your cover
Understanding your cover

Features of Critical Illness Cover

  • As your life changes, your cover can be tailored over time to meet your needs with the Life Events Benefit. 
  • You can take out Critical Illness Cover at any age between 18 and 70 years old.
  • You can take out cover of up to $1 million.
  • Your cover will be adjusted each year to keep up with inflation, unless you choose to decline this.
  • If you decide that this insurance isn’t right for you within 30 days of your policy starting, we’ll refund any premiums paid and cancel your policy.

What's covered?

Critical Illness Cover provides cover for a total of 47 critical illness conditions including cancer, heart attack or stroke, and will pay a lump sum if the life assured or a dependent child meets the defined criteria.  The full list of covered conditions can be found in the policy wording.

What's a life event?

With the Life Events Benefit, you can increase the Critical Illness sum insured when certain events happen in a life assured’s life. 

If the life assured experiences a certain life event, you can apply to increase the Critical Illness Cover sum insured without assessment of their health.

Your premiums will increase from the date we’ve increased the sum insured.

We cover certain life events 

You can increase the Critical Illness Cover sum insured for a life assured if they experience a significant event in their life such as, getting married or entering a civil union, having a child, buying a house or property investment. 

You can increase the sum insured for each event. For a full list of eligible events, limits and T&C's, see policy wording

What's not covered?

Claims that are a direct or indirect result of the following won't be paid:

  • intentional self-harm, including attempted suicide
  • taking part in a criminal activity
  • harm to a child we cover under a benefit that you or the child’s parents or guardians cause

Some conditions also aren't covered if signs or symptoms occur in the first 90 days of your application being submitted.

We can't pay any benefit if the life assured, or a child that is covered, doesn't survive for at least 14 days after first meeting the criteria for a covered condition.


For more information, see the policy wording

Key benefits

Full Critical Illness Benefit

If the life assured meets the criteria for one of the conditions we cover, we’ll pay the full critical Illness sum insured

Diagnosis Benefit

If the life assured meets the criteria for one of the Diagnosis Benefit conditions we cover, we can pay up to 25 percent of the sum insured

Life Events Benefit

If certain events occur in the life of the life assured, you can increase the cover without further assessment of their health.

Financial and Legal Advice Benefit

We can assist with paying for financial or legal advice you may need for help with the money from a claim payment

Complimentary Children’s Benefit

You can get an additional lump sum payout if the life assured’s child gets one of the conditions we cover

Get covered
Get covered

Protect what matters most

Having right life insurance in place can give you peace of mind from knowing you and your loved ones are protected.

Your insurance is underwritten by Chubb Life Insurance New Zealand Limited (Chubb Life). Chubb Life has an A (Excellent) financial strength rating given by A.M. Best Company Inc. A summary of the rating scale is: A++, A+ Superior | A, A- Excellent | B++, B+ Good | B, B- Fair | C++, C+ Marginal | C, C- Weak | D Poor | E Under Regulatory Supervision | F In Liquidation | S Suspended. For the full rating scale and more rating information visit