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Take a First Look at
Chubb Risk Engineering Exchange

Chubb Risk Engineering Exchange is an easy-to-use online tool that enables Chubb clients to improve and streamline their risk engineering operations and easily access Chubb’s global team of experienced risk engineers.

With this tool, you can view and manage all your risk engineering operations from a single hub. Your staff can report issues, schedule inspections, and track actions across all your facilities. This convenient online tool helps you save time, limit losses, and keep facilities safely operating. There is no cost to Chubb clients to use this system.

Key Capabilities

  • Manage all your risk engineering interactions with Chubb from a single hub
  • Track recommendations, inspections, and actions by facility
  • Rank recommendations by severity of risk
  • Maintain key facility information, including addresses and contacts
  • Access Chubb’s Risk Engineering Resource Center for best practices and other information
  •  Interact with Chubb’s experienced team of risk engineers around the world

Get Started

To learn more and get started with Chubb Risk Engineering Exchange, please email or call your Chubb account executive or risk engineer to sign up.


Chubb Risk Engineering Exchange is a web-based risk engineering management tool that enables Chubb clients to improve and streamline their risk engineering operations.